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Submission Deadline

The deadline for abstract submission is Rajab 13, 1442 H (February 25, 2021).


Acceptance Letters

Acceptance of an abstract, for either oral presentation or poster will be sent within 2 weeks after submission.


Conference Registration Form (Guidelines)

Accepted abstracts will be published in the Conference Proceedings according to the following conditions:

  1. All STAR fields marked as (*) are MANDATORY. So, in the absence of filling any of these fields the system will reject the submission, and incomplete fields will appear in Red.

  2. The name of author(s) without title(s).

  3. Affiliation(s) should include (departments, universities or institutions & countries) of the author(s).

  4. Abstracts should be written using Times New Romanfont size 11 (Arabic) and (English), and do not Underline or use Bold.

  5. Genera and species must be written in italics.

  6. Maximum number of characters in each Abstract (whether Arabic or English) is 1900 characters (with spaces). To check the number of characters, click here

  7. Upon submission of your registration form, you will see a message that says: "Thank you! Your Conference Registration Form has been successfully sent ... We will respond as soon as possible".

Last updated on : February 1, 2021 6:56pm